LLM in Dispute Resolution
Los Angeles, Yhdysvallat
1 up to 2 Years
Täysaikainen, Osa-aikainen
Hakemuksen jättämisen määräaika
Pyydä aikaisinta alkamispäivää
USD 2 250 *
* per unit
Tutki stipendimahdollisuuksia opintojen rahoittamiseksi
The LLM in Dispute Resolution is considered the premier program in dispute resolution and offers students the most amount of flexibility in their dispute resolution education. This 26 unit program is structured with a balance of theory and practice; students will focus on a variety of ADR mechanisms including negotiation, mediation, and arbitration, as well as gain practice through the requisite Mediation Clinic and Externship program.
Students can follow a more general course of study without a concentration, or declare a concentration in mediation, arbitration or litigation.
Why Get an LLM from Pepperdine?
Qualify for the NY or CA Bar While Focusing in ADR
With the increased use of dispute resolution, more international attorneys and judges are choosing to specialize in negotiation, mediation or arbitration while meeting the requirements to sit for the California or New York Bar exam
An Executive Format that offers Flexible Scheduling
With courses available in one-week, two-weekend, and the traditional full-semester format, professionals in the field can pursue the program on a part-time or full-time basis at a pace that matches their busy schedule.
Award Winning Dispute Resolution Education
In addition to U.S. News & World Report, Pepperdine has been recognized by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, California Dispute Resolution Council, American College of Civil Trial Mediators and the International Academy of Mediators.
Translate Theory into Practice
Gain practical experience learning to negotiate, mediate and arbitrate. Students have the opportunity to develop their skills mediating real cases through the clinical and externship programs.
Most Extensive Dispute Resolution Curriculum
Pepperdine offers the most comprehensive curriculum with over 50 different dispute resolution courses for the Certificate, Masters, and LLM in Dispute Resolution programs, including several dispute resolution clinics and externships.
Straus-instituutti on perinteisesti tarjonnut anteliaasti stipendejä opiskelijoille ansioiden ja tarpeiden perusteella, koska se on sitoutunut koulutukseen pääsyyn. Kaikille opiskelijoille otetaan huomioon osittaiset apurahat hakuvaiheessa ilman lisäasiakirjoja. Lisäksi Straus-instituutti tarjoaa yhden täyden lukukausimaksun stipendin lukuvuodessa.
World's Largest Conflict Resolution Library
Pepperdine is home to the American Arbitration Association Library and Information Center Collection. Founded in 1954 the AAA Library is the largest collection of conflict materials with over 24,000 titles.
English Language Requirements
Todista englannin taitosi Duolingo-englannin testillä! DET on kätevä, nopea ja edullinen online-englannin koe, jonka hyväksyy yli 4 000 yliopistoa (kuten tämä) ympäri maailmaa.
Tietoja koulusta
Samanlaisia kursseja
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